Through constant research and development, as well as business innovation, we seek to offer the highest level of customer satisfaction by meeting customer needs and creating the best value in quality.
Company |
LT 메탈주식회사
Establishment |
May 1, 1974 |
C E O |
Seokho Noh |
LT Metals was established in 1974 through a joint venture with Japan's TANAKA KIKINZOKU KOGYO, a leading company in its field. Since then, LT has been working hard on the domestic production of various precious metals and metal components, leading to rapid growth. It is now a major player that develops, produces and sells cutting-edge components as well as basic components for the materials industry. It is now looking to expand its business into semi-conductor related materials, IT, environment, fuel cells, LED and medical fields. LT seeks to offer the highest level of customer satisfaction by meeting customer needs and creating the best value in quality.